
Reduce workplace illness

Reduce indoor air pollution


  • Reduce sick-leave absences

  • Improve job satisfaction

  • Reduce stress and negativity

  • Improve school performance & patient/client wellbeing

  • Improve job satisfaction

  • Enhance business image with potential clients

Science shows that indoor plants:

Plants boost mood, productivity, concentration, and creativity

They help to improve indoor air quality

Some research studies have found that adding just one plant to an average-sized room of 4x5m reduced air-borne toxins and pollution by 25 per cent. Add five plants, and you’ll be breathing in air that’s 75 per cent cleaner. Add 10 plants and we’re talking pristine breathability.

But why are there so many nasties in the air in the first place? Dust, paints, furniture finishes, rugs, cleaning products and even dry-cleaned clothes can release particulate matter, carbon monoxide and/or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air.

Australia’s National Pollution Inventory says the health effects of VOCs depend on their composition and concentration and how long we’re exposed to them. Build-up of VOCs in indoor environments has been associated with sick building syndrome (SBS) and can cause headaches and irritation to the eyes, nose and throat. VOCs have also been linked to loss of coordination, nausea, damage to the liver, kidney and central nervous system, and even cancer in animals and humans.

They reduce stress levels & increase happiness

Numerous studies confirm the positive impact of indoor plants. Their calming influence has been found to increase memory retention and concentration by up to 20 per cent, enhance mood and outlook on life, and reduce stress.

Adding a few plants of different sizes and varieties to a room leads to significant improved wellbeing.  

Medical research shows workplace stress reduces productivity and performance & leads to illness; stress-related illness is a widespread health concern; and staff illness & sick-leave absences are used as direct indicators and measures of lost productivity. International research shows Indoor plant presence reduces illness and absences.

Recent studies of people in hospital have consistently shown that looking at environments dominated by greenery had significant stress-reducing effects.

Increased happiness 

Simply by viewing greenery, it may elevate levels of positive feelings and reduce negatively toned emotions, such as fear, anger, anxiety and sadness. 

Exposure to indoor plants improves feelings of wellbeing. Studies have explained that plants can help to boost levels of comfort and positive emotions and reduce negative feelings.

Increase productivity & enhance concentration

Think plants have no work-related function? Think again. There has been many experiments done over the last two decades that have found that employees who had a view of plants completed a concentration test faster than employees in a room without a view of plants. Employees also experienced increased productivity when their office space included plants and reported higher workplace satisfaction.

For school students, a 2019 study showed that when a classroom with a fake plant, a real plant, a photo of a plant, or no plant, those who spent time with the real plant improved their attention and concentration.

Asthma and allergy relief 

Plants may both have a positive and negative effect on asthma. People with asthma have sensitive airways that can get inflamed with certain triggers and may have an increased risk of developing other allergic conditions, such as hayfever.

According to Asthma Australia, the best plants for people with asthma and allergy will be the ones that don’t produce a lot of pollen, as a plant’s pollen or scent is often a trigger for asthma or repetitive sneezing. Allergy-friendly plants include devil’s ivy, heartleaf philodendron, snake plant, lucky bamboo and cacti.

Indoor plant presence improves business image

Surveys show workplace plants give perception that the company is trustworthy, warm & welcoming.  Plants show a stable, well-balanced business who cares for their employees, customers/clients/patients by providing a beautiful, calm, healthier & cleaner atmosphere.